3 Simple Mindfulness Tips

If you look around you right now, it's more likely that you'll see most people on their devices regardless of who they're with or what they're doing. 

Ironically, we're always on social media during face-to-face interactions. The constant use of technology is meant to keep us connected, but does it? 

3 Simple Mindfulness Tips - Sole Toscana


If you look around you right now, it's more than likely that you'll see most people on their devices regardless of who they're with or what they're doing. 


Ironically, we're always on social media during face-to-face interactions. The constant use of technology is meant to keep us connected, but does it? I believe it is because technology has created an expectation of availability.

We often multitask- surfing social media while talking on the phone and listening to music. This might look productive, but each task isn't getting our best. 

The value of mindfulness

Lack of mindfulness indicates to the person in front of us that we don't value their presence. At least, not as much as what we're doing on our devices.

The solution to this is mindfulness.


Mindfulness is a state of paying attention to the present. It influences your everyday choices and thoughts like how often you move your body, what you eat, and what your inner voice is saying.

The proliferation of technology use has reduced our ability to practice mindfulness. Don't worry, though- being mindful is quite a straightforward exercise.

3 easy mindfulness tips


Being aware of your phone usage is quite hard in this social media age. Monitor how often you pick up your phone in a day. Most phones give you this information instantly. Divide this number by the hours you're awake. The result might shock you.

Americans check their phones 80 times a day on average while on vacation, according to a research study. Some even check their screens more than 300 times a day! 

To remedy this, keep your phone out of reach. Put your phone in your purse, another room, or leave it at home for short errands.

This forces you to think before reaching for it. 


Multitasking was once hailed as a superpower. These days, however, single-tasking is more popular. But switching to single-tasking will take a lot of effort when you begin.

Consider your mealtime habits. For instance, if you prepare dinner and sit down to eat alone, you'll turn on the TV and simultaneously scroll through your phone. You might even play a game or call a friend, so you don't feel like you're eating alone. 

Mindfulness while eating looks like this- sit down and focus on each bite. Pay attention to whether you chew your food thoroughly. You might notice flavors that you haven't tasted before. 

Start small with one daily action like enjoying your first cup of coffee, or walking through your neighborhood. Perform it while being fully present.

Observe how the experience changes with your improved awareness.


Picture this. You're doing three tasks while also talking on the phone. As you approach a door, someone opens it for you. In response, you smile at the person and walk away. Wouldn't it be better if you paused, smiled at them, and thanked them for holding the door?

The other person will feel acknowledged by your gratitude more intensely. This positive feedback loop encourages more prosocial behavior. Such behavior benefits everyone in society, leading to a more connected, happier, and giving culture.

Top 3 advantages of mindfulness

Living in the present improves your happiness and enhances the lives of those around you in numerous ways. 


Being mindful helps you to enjoy the pleasures in life as they occur, and improves your capacity to deal with negative events.

Mindfulness helps you form deep connections with others, causes fewer regrets, and reduces anxieties about success and self-esteem.


Mindfulness affects the physical body in various positive ways. These include lowering blood pressure, better sleep, relieving stress, reducing chronic pain, and alleviating gastrointestinal complications.


Many mental problems can be alleviated by mindfulness. These include eating disorders, depression, substance abuse, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and couples' conflicts.

The power of mindfulness

Have you ever noticed that when someone is fully present with you, it makes your day? Be it a friend who really listens, or a stranger who holds the door for you. These acts of kindness make an overall happier world.

When you're mindful, you pay more attention to your body, thus enabling you to better care for yourself.

Practicing mindfulness has positive impacts on your social interactions, your health, and confidence, and the environment.


With love,

The Sole Toscana Beauty Team