5 Herbs For Managing Worry

Do you often lay awake late at night with a surge of energy and your brain reeling with thoughts about things you need to do? Do you struggle to wake up in the morning, then find yourself rushing to get to work before time runs out? Do you gather more items on your to-do list, which keeps you up at night?
5 Herbs For Managing Worry - Sole Toscana

Do you often lay awake late at night with a surge of energy and your brain reeling with thoughts about things you need to do?

Do you struggle to wake up in the morning, then find yourself rushing to get to work before time runs out?

As you go through the day, you gather more items on your to-do list, which keeps you up at night. The cycle never ends.

What causes this type of worry?

Recent research suggests that these concerns could be the result of a problem in your digestive system, not only something happening in your brain. This 'neurogastroenterology' field is in its infancy. Still, these holistic thinkers are finding out a lot about how our brain and our gut (our second brain) collaborate to keep our physical and emotional health stable.

Evidence suggests that our gut uses neurotransmitters to send signals around the body, just like the brain does. Some of our bodies' neurotransmitters occur in the digestive tract.

For example, up to 95% of serotonin is stored in the gut. This hormone is one of the essential mood-stabilizing neurotransmitters in our bodies. It regulates our moods, sleep, memory, and GI tract.

How the brain communicates with the gut

The vagus nerve is physically connected with every section of the digestive system. It's one of the body's ways of continually checking itself to ensure that the correct neural response is happening all the time. 

Herbs for worry warriors

Getting to the root of the issue is essential, but there are numerous herbs that can help you stay calm. Here are our top five herbs for combating worry.


Chamomile is one of the most popular calming herbs. When taken internally, it heals the entire digestive system and calms the mind. It's safe for long-term use, for kiddos and pregnant women.

One way to prepare chamomile tea is by doing a cold infusion. Steep a tablespoon of the powder in a suspended strainer overnight in room temperature water. Drink it as soon as you wake up. It's relaxing and is the perfect way to boost your metabolism. You can also drink this tea before going to bed for a relaxing feeling.


When taken internally as a tea or an extract, it's calming for the central nervous system. You can use it with other calming herbs and green tea to focus while at work and at night to calm your mind and go to bed. 

Note: As with any herb, when buying skullcap, use a trusted source. 


This plant is perfect for managing nervousness, especially in social settings. Sip some lemon balm tea (or munch on a leaf) to silence those butterflies flitting around in your stomach.

Lemon balm is safe for long term use and people of all ages. However, we recommend talking to your doctor about using it during pregnancy or giving it to children.



 Catnip isn't just for cats; it's also an excellent herb to use internally to calm those anxious thoughts and get off to sleep.

It also relieves digestive upsets, can be used long-term, and is great for children. Some people use it in tea for morning sickness during pregnancy but check with your doctor first.


Ashwagandha is the perfect long-term balance herb for you if you're often overworked, stressed, and exhausted.

It's an adaptogen, meaning a fast-acting herbal remedy to calm your restless mind. Also, it's a demulcent, so eating it means that it will heal your gut lining from any irritation.

If you have a hard time remembering to take herbs every day, buy the powder at your local health food store and add it to your food. You can include it in your oatmeal, cake batter, soup, etc.


With love,

​The Sole Toscana Beauty Team