7 Natural Options For Facial Hair Removal

According to research done by Bristol-Myers, approximately 20 million American women remove their facial hair at least once a week. Due to hormonal changes after the age of 40, women are prone to experiencing an increase in facial hair. It's also hereditary. So, what can you do?
7 Natural Options For Facial Hair Removal - Sole Toscana

According to research done by Bristol-Myers, approximately 20 million American women remove their facial hair at least once a week. Due to hormonal changes after the age of 40, women are prone to experiencing an increase in facial hair. It's also hereditary.

Some people who have conditions like adrenal gland tumors, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), or take certain medications can experience facial hair growth.

Facial hair can be annoying, and some removal techniques like bleaching, shaving, plucking, and waxing can cause bumps, skin irritation, and rashes. 


Good news- there are various natural ways to reduce facial hair. However, they aren't quick fixes, unlike conventional methods. You might need several applications before you start seeing the desired results. You might choose to alternate the natural with traditional methods or continue with the regular methods as required.

Seven natural ways to remove facial hair


Delve into this traditional Indian method used to remove facial hair. Combine equal amounts of chickpea flour, and turmeric then add water to make a paste. Apply to the areas where you want to remove hair and leave on until it dries. Gently rinse off with warm water.


You can either grind up fenugreek seeds into a powder or use ready-made fenugreek powder. Mix it with water, apply to hairy areas, and allow it to dry. Rub off gently.


This method is probably the best of all that we've mentioned. Mix one tablespoon sugar, one egg white, and half a tablespoon of cornflower and beat to make a paste. Apply a thick layer to the areas of concern. Leave the mask on until it dries. When you pull it off, it will take some hair with it, just like waxing. Apply a calming moisturizer immediately after rinsing off.


In a scientific 2013 study, tea tree and lavender oils could potentially be efficient in reducing mild cases of hirsutism-unwanted male-pattern hair growth in women. Mix 4-6 drops of tea tree oil with one teaspoon of lavender and apply it to the affected areas 2-3 times a day. 


Did you know that oatmeal is a gentle exfoliating agent? You can use it to scrub away the small hairs that grow on your face. Mix one tablespoon of honey with ½ a teaspoon of coarsely ground oatmeal and 6-8 drops of lemon juice and make a paste. Apply and leave on for around 15-20 minutes. When removing it, scrub for a few minutes in a circular motion first using your fingers. Then rinse off and apply your moisturizer.


Combine a tablespoon of full-fat Greek yogurt with a teaspoon of raw honey. Apply to clean skin and leave on for 15 minutes. Put a little sugar onto your fingers, and use it to scrub off the mask. Do this gently to avoid irritating the skin. Rinse off with warm water and follow up immediately with a calming toner and moisturizer.


If your skin isn't too sensitive and you have stubborn facial hair, try these two ingredients. Mix 1-2 tablespoons of wheat bran with a teaspoon of rosewater and a tablespoon of milk. Apply, and then scrub immediately. Keep rubbing until the paste dries up. Rinse off and repeat 2-3 times a week. Always apply moisturizer after rinsing. Alternatively, try one tablespoon of barley powder mixed with a tablespoon of milk and a tablespoon of lime juice. Apply the paste and leave it for about 30 minutes, then rinse off.

Some more options:


Mix sugar with the juice from a citrus fruit of choice and honey to make a paste. Apply to the affected areas, cover with a cloth or waxing strips, then pull off to remove unwanted hair. 

NOTE: This may be too aggressive for your face, but may work better on other areas of the body.


You might never have thought of potatoes as a bleaching agent, but they do the job! They naturally lighten the look of hair. With this mask, you' can also remove some of the hair. 

Soak a few yellow lentils in a bowl overnight. Drain the water and grind the lentils to make a paste. Boil the potato and mash it up (minus the skin), and extract its juice by pressing. Combine the lentil paste and potato juice with a tablespoon of honey and 4 tablespoons of lemon juice. Apply to facial hair and let sit for 30 minutes. Rub your face gently while rinsing to remove hair.


If you have sensitive skin, the above methods might be frightening. Use natural enzymes that do the job without abrasion. Papaya is one rich source of natural enzymes. Cut a raw papaya into pieces, grind to make a paste, then mix about two tablespoons of the paste with ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder. Apply and leave on for 15-20 minutes. Massage into the skin and then let it sit for a few minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.


If you're comfortable with facial hair, let it grow. After all, body hair is normal, and everyone has it. Some just happen to have more than others.  

​With love,

The Sole Toscana Beauty Team