Try Out These 5 Wild Herbs This Spring

As spring rolls around, nature brings forth a variety of wild herbs. They're not only beautiful to look at, but also amazing for our health. Here are some of our favorite springtime herbs that you could consider trying out. NOTE: Consider these things before you go out to select wild herbs. Here's how to pick your wild herbs:
Try Out These 5 Wild Herbs This Spring - Sole Toscana

As spring rolls around, nature brings forth a variety of wild herbs. They're not only beautiful to look at, but also amazing for our health. Here are some of our favorite springtime herbs that you could consider trying out. 

NOTE: Consider these things before you go out to select wild herbs.

How to pick your wild herbs

  • If you can, select plants that are away from busy roads. These are likely to be polluted with exhaust fumes. 
  • Parks and open spaces aren't the best either, due to pesticides and herbicides used on the vegetation.
  • If a plant doesn't look healthy, don't eat it.

1. Mint (mentha spp.)

Mint is a flavor so familiar to many of us. The cooling and calming effect in peppermint and spearmint-flavored foods is unmistakable. 

Mint is a plant that grows ferociously and can quickly take over your garden. 

Here are some of its wonderful benefits;

  • It relieves indigestion, motion, and morning sickness.
  • Its cooling effect alleviates fevers.

You can use mint steeped in hot water for tea, the essential oil in facial steams, and as an addition to your homemade laundry detergent.

2. Dandelion (taraxicum officinialis)

Dandelions are easy to grow and to propagate. They can grow in almost any place: from the cracks in sidewalks to the soil in your lawn.

The whole plant is edible- the flowers and leaves contain lots of vitamins K, C, D, and B, protein, iron, phosphorus, manganese, and potassium. The roots are also edible.

Dandelion promotes the proper function of the liver and kidneys. You can chew the plant, use it to make tea, or make it into a tincture.

3. Plantain (plantago major)

Plantain grows mostly on the edges of paths and in sidewalk cracks. The plant is one of the best sources of potassium and fiber in the world. It also provides high amounts of vitamins A, C, and B-6, fiber, and magnesium.

4. Cleavers (galium aparine)

The plant is also known as clivers, bedstraw, or goosegrass. 

What are the benefits of Cleavers?

  • Supports the lymphatic system, keeping things flowing through the body correctly.
  • Safe for long-term use both in people and in pets.
  • It has a cooling effect and helps move fluids in your body.
  • It's edible, easy to make into a meal, delicious, and nourishing.

pesto herb

Cleavers pesto recipe:

Collect a few good handfuls (include some dandelions and baby plantain if you like). Place them in a blender with a few cloves of garlic, some olive oil, and some walnuts. Blend, then pour the mixture over warm quinoa noodles. Season with cheese, salt, and pepper as desired. Enjoy!

5. Hedge nettle (stachys officinalis)

Hedge nettle is similar to stinging nettle in appearance, but it doesn't sting. It's also known as wood betony.

Uses of hedge nettle:

  • Makes for delicious food and is a fantastic tea and tincture.
  • Its flower essence promotes relaxation.
  • Stimulates the digestive system and the liver
  • Gives you blonde highlights when used as a hair wash.

There are many other wild herbs, but these are our top 5 favorites. Have fun experimenting with them, and enjoy better health.

With love,

​The Sole Toscana Beauty Team